Essential Bibles
Essential Bibles (1998).iso
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Text File
333 lines
Version 1.1
QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE is an in-depth storehouse of
questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments.
Thousands of interesting facts are presented as questions
in a quiz-like environment, prompting the user for the
correct answers. The questions are grouped into dozens of
categories, from "Word meanings" to "Geography of the
Bible". The DELUXE VERSION (available upon registration)
allows the user to add, modify or delete the existing
questions, and even create new categories for individual,
customized Bible study.
Special features:
A) Users can receive an echo printout of each
question they take on-screen.
B) Several command line instructions allow the
program to be "fine-tuned" by a teacher to meet the
needs of a Sunday school student or seminarian. These
command line instructions can force a student to answer
"x" number of questions before they are permitted to exit
the program. Or the teacher can set up a time limit for
the student where after "x" number of minutes have
elapsed the program will quit.
C) Progress charts are kept for each quiz that will
record the best 10 students' quiz results for EACH category
of questions. This is an excellent way for a teacher to
track the progress of a student.
D) Up to 9 players can participate in the same quiz at
a time. Great for contests and Bible study circle
No special requirements are necessary for most
computers. A DOS version of 3.0 or higher is necessary
(although it is possible that some 2.x versions will
work, but not guaranteed). The program can be used on
both monochrome and color monitors. A printer is the
only option that is required IF you wish to create quiz
To start:
To start the program type --> QUESTION then press the
[ENTER] or [RETURN] key at the DOS prompt. The program
will load itself into memory in seconds. After an
opening screen or two, a Main Menu will appear.
Selections from the Main Menu (or any menu) can be made
by moving the highlighted bar to the selection of your
choice, then pressing the [ENTER] or [RETURN] key.
Selections also can be made by pressing the corresponding
first letter for each option in the menu list. If you
press the [ESC] key instead, the user will be taken to the
previous menu (if any).
Quiz printouts:
Before taking an actual quiz, the user can select the
"Print quiz:" choice from the "Take a quiz" sub-menu. Once
the "Print quiz:" option is toggled "ON", all questions
that are displayed on the screen during the course of the
quiz will also be echoed to a printer attached to port
LPT1: The solutions to these printed quizzes will appear
after every two pages of questions. If you wish to print
every single question in each category (regardless of
whether they are displayed on the screen during the course
of a quiz) then you will need to obtain the DELUXE VERSION
(available by registering this program with the author).
Repeat errors:
Before taking a quiz, the user can select the "Repeat
errors:" option from the "Take a quiz" sub-menu. When the
"Repeat errors:" option is toggled "ON", then questions
that have been answered incorrectly will be saved into
memory and recalled at random during the remainder of the
quiz session.
When a user has finished with a quiz and wishes to
exit to DOS, or chooses a new question category, their score
will be entered into a scoreboard file and then displayed
on the screen in a "Top-Ten" chart if they have one of
the ten best records for that quiz. Each quiz that you
participate in has its own scoreboard ".SCB" file. For
example, if you are using a quiz named "GOSPEL.QZ" then
the quiz results will be kept in "GOSPEL.SCB" when you
finish the quiz.
Command line options:
The "command line" refers to what was typed at the DOS
prompt before loading QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE into memory.
For example, if your program disk is located in drive A:,
your screen should display "A>QUESTION" before you press
the [ENTER] key to begin the program. "A>QUESTION" can be
referred to as the "command line".
Additional text can be appended to the command line
after the program name "QUESTION" that will instruct
QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE to perform certain functions not
available through the menu selections. Here are some
examples of the enhanced command line parameters available:
QUESTION filename.QZ
If a name of an existing .QZ file is added on
the command line after the key word "QUESTION", then that
.QZ file will be automatically read and used to quiz
the user/student. In such cases the "Main Menu" will
be skipped, and the user will be greeted with a prompt to
enter his name, followed by the quiz. In the above
example replace the word "filename" with the actual name
of the quiz you wish to use. If your quiz is called
"APOSTLES.QZ" then you must enter "QUESTION APOSTLES.QZ"
on the command line before running the program.
The above "QTY=" command line option can be used
to force QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE to stop and return to
DOS after "x" number of random questions have been
attempted by the student. You can replace the "x" with
any positive number that you wish. For instance, "QUESTION
QTY=2", "question qty=150", "QUESTION qty=90" are all
acceptable command line instructions. Do NOT forget to
separate the program name "QUESTION" and the "QTY=" option
with a space!
The above combination of "STARTAT=" and "STOPAT="
commands instruct QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE to start at a
specific question number and to display subsequent
questions sequentially (10, 11, 12,...19, 20). Once the
number designated by "STOPAT=" is reached, the program will
exit to DOS. If you use "STARTAT=" without a "STOPAT="
statement, the program will still proceed with questions
sequentially until the very last question is reach, and
then will terminate to DOS.
The above "TIMEOUT=" command line option can be used
to force the program to stop and return to DOS after "x"
number of minutes have elapsed since the first question was
attempted by the student. You can replace the "x" with any
positive number that you wish. For instance, "QUESTION
TIMEOUT=5" will cause the program to end after 5 minutes of
play have elapsed.
Command line instructions can be combined or placed in
any order. In other words, the following command line
instructions are all acceptable:
The command line instructions above will cause the
program to end after 10 minutes of play have elapsed or 100
random questions have been attempted, whichever comes first.
The command line parameter "ENFORCE" when used with
"STOPAT=" or "STARTAT=" or "QTY=" parameters will prevent a
student from exiting the program/quiz until the specified
range or quantity of questions have been attempted.
If you would like to skip over the "How many players
are participating?:" prompt when your users begin using a
quiz (particularly when ONLY ONE USER would ever be taking
your quiz), then specify the number of participants on the
command line with "PLAYERS=x" where "x" is replaced with
actual number of participants.
Since the scoreboard only records the top 10 high
scores, there may be times when your student/user obtains a
score worth knowing about and yet falls short of making it
into the "top ten" scoreboard. To maintain a record log of
your user's scores (regardless of the score), use the
"SCORELOG=ON" parameter. This will cause QUESTIONS FROM
THE BIBLE to maintain a file with all user's scores, along
with date and quiz used. The file generated will be
straight ASCII text and will automatically be named
When taking a multiple choice quiz, you will notice
that the "pick list" of possible answer choices appears
exactly in the same order as the answers were entered by
the quiz creator/teacher when first creating that
question. In other words, if a multiple choice question
exists where...
Question: Who prophesied of the destruction of Judah?
Answer: Moses
Answer: Jeremiah
Answer: Jonah
Answer: Elijah
...when you are presented this question within a
quiz on the screen, the order of answers "Moses,
Jeremiah, Jonah, Elijah" will be identical to the order
in which the quiz creator/teacher entered them. If,
however, you would like to see the order of answers
SCRAMBLED up, then add the "SCRAMBLE" command line
parameter when starting QUIZ. The scramble that will occur
will vary from moment to moment, so that if a question was
to reappear twice, the order of answers would be different
from the first appearance.
Possible system conflicts:
There is a font file that was distributed with
QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE that may give a small number of
users some problems. The QUESTION.FNT is used with systems
running VGA graphics and uses an enhanced video screen font
for display purposes. If you do not have VGA graphics you
may wish to delete this file IF YOU ENCOUNTER VIDEO
PROBLEMS. There have been a report of a conflict when
running this program from WITHIN Microsoft Windows 3.1.
Although the author has tested the program via the DOS
prompt within Windows and experienced NO problems, if you
should experience such a conflict, delete the QUESTION.FNT
file and let us know.
The author makes no warranties, expressed or implied,
as to the quality of performance of this program. The
author will not be held liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use
of QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE. Your use of the program
constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer and your
release of the author from any form of liability or
Shareware is a try-before-you-buy marketing concept that
allows you a trial period in which to evaluate a software
program. QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE is shareware software
and continued use of the program requires that you support
the author. Once you have registered, you will receive the
latest version of the program, which will be personalized
in your name, with all registration reminders removed. The
unregistered, evaluation copy comes with only 500 questions.
The registered version, however, comes with over 2500 NEW
questions - over 3000 questions in total!
Distribution of this program:
The unregistered, shareware version can be distributed by
BBS's as long as NO FILES ARE DELETED from the original
group of files (see PACKING.LST for original .ZIP
contents). Shareware vendors are permitted to charge a
small fee, not exceeding $5.00, in exchange for their
services in providing evaluation copies to others. CD-ROM
publishers are permitted to include QUESTIONS FROM THE
BIBLE in any compilations as long as the .EXE file date
stamp is less than 2 years old.
Other programs:
If you are interested in other programs written by the
program author, a catalog is available. Most of our
programs are family or Bible oriented and very affordable.
Mail a legal size #10 self-addressed envelope and enclose 4
U.S. first class postage stamps (do NOT affix or stick them
to the envelope) to the author below. You can ignore this
request for stamps and envelopes IF YOU ARE REGISTERING the
program at the same time. Simply ask for a catalog - free to
Program Author:
Philip Kapusta P.O. Box 5423 Falmouth, Va. 22403 USA
Your feedback:
We welcome all feedback - positive and negative. We
will consider your suggestions for future program
enhancements. If you desire a reply, enclose a self-
addressed stamped envelope when writing, or else you may not
receive a response. Better yet, if you have a modem, you
may wish to leave an e-mail message to "SYSOP" on The
Mustard Seed BBS at (703) 372-9680 N81. The Mustard Seed is
our BBS, available 24 hours a day, and contains hundreds of
Bible, religious, home schooling and educational files.
You are welcome to call (their is no subscription fees, the
BBS is free). Set your modem software settings to N-8-1
with ANSI terminal emulation. The BBS supports high-speed